Anurag +ve on ‘Gulal’

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,March 11 2009]

Anurag Kashyap is on top of things once again with the success of ‘Dev D’ setting the balls rolling again for the daring film maker. His film ‘Gulal’ which was languishing in the cans for more than three years is all set to hit theatres soon.

If ‘Dev D’, with its entirely different style of music and rawness, connected perfectly with the youth psyche, ‘Gulal’ will most probably turn out to be much better is what the film maker opines.

The film maker has said “ ‘Gulal’ is the most powerful film I have made. Though I have written movies based on student politics before I have never directed a movie on it. I always felt when I wrote ‘Gulal’ that I am doing something which is way ahead of time. So now that it is releasing, I am quite confident, as the issues I was probing back then are plaguing our country now. My film is a cry for democracy and it shows the corruption of the system which is a prevalent issue even now”.

Going by the released promotional video, we get that Kay Kay Menon will be in the lead role and the film will be hard hitting and thought provoking work.